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Code of Ethics

Since 2001, the Group has set down the ethical principles and rules to be followed in the conduct of its business in a Code of Ethics, based on the three Fundamental Ethical Rules concerning the fight against corruption and influence peddling, prohibition of anti-competitive practices and the obligation of accuracy and transparency in accounting and financial matters.

This Charter, updated several times and translated into 19 languages, is widely distributed to all Group subsidiaries around the world.

International Charter of Fundamental Social Values

JCDecaux’s International Charter of Fundamental Social Values describes the Group’s commitment to respecting human rights, and strengthens the protection of fundamental social rights.

This Charter, initially published in 2012 and updated several times, is also translated into 19 languages and widely distributed to all Group subsidiaries around the world.

Whistleblowing platform

For submitting a report, please access to our whistleblowing platform operated by Whispli, an independent third party. At JCDecaux, we trust our employees and all of our stakeholders to do what is right, and this means reporting potentially illicit or inappropriate behavior or situations and, if necessary, seeking help or advice.

Supplier Code of Conduct

The Supplier Code of Conduct makes clear what JCDecaux expects from its suppliers on social, ethical, health and safety and environmental topics. The Code must be signed by each new supplier and by all of the Group’s key suppliers.

The Supplier Code of Conduct was rolled out in 2014 and updated in 2018 and 2021 to take into account new demands linked to regulatory changes. The Supplier Code of Conduct is available in 21 languages.

OOH Display Code of Conduct