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INNOVATION. At the heart of what we do.

Since 1964, we have been constantly innovating to meet the evolving needs of residents. We offer cities a comprehensive range of street furniture and services, including bus shelters, automated public toilets, mobile charging stations, information panels, self-service bicycles and recycling bins for glass, batteries and paper. Thanks to our R&D activities, we have also become a key player in Smart City solutions. With technology ranging from Wi-Fi hotspots to small cells, beacons and more, smart cities are enhancing daily life for increasing numbers of residents and tourists around the world.

The Smart City is revolutionising the relationship between residents and the urban environment. It is aptly named: like the smartphone, which has become an integral part of everyday life, the Smart City, with its connected, easy-to-use and intuitive services, is something everyone can now agree on. City residents can get all their practical information in real time. They can access diversified and interconnected modes of transport in a more environmentally-conscious city environment. Thanks to interactive digital screens, waiting becomes more pleasant and enjoyable. They can opt to receive notifications as they approach must-visit cultural or shopping venues. Albert Asseraf Executive Vice-President Communication and User Innovation, JCDecaux
Mobile Charges - USB - Bus shelters - JCDecaux

In Edinburgh like in Paris, our bus shelters are equiped with USB sockets so that people waiting for the bus can charge their mobile devices.

Attractiveness. Design and utility.

We are particularly attentive to the way that street furniture fits into its environment. We believe it should blend in harmoniously, to maximise the appeal of its location. To achieve this, we work with leading designers and insist on the highest standard for the upkeep and maintenance of our facilities. Our street furniture also enhances the branding of cities by offering them a dedicated platform to broadcast information and promote their identity and their events.

The multi-faceted bus shelters of Paris
Balanced between reminiscence and modernity, this innovative Parisian collection marks the reinvention of bus shelters into a welcoming space that combines environmental consciousness, design and the latest technology.

FINANCING. Quality first.

Our business model, invented by Jean-Claude Decaux in 1964, is to finance our services through advertising. But not just any advertising: when we invented the 2m2 format, we proved that effective advertising was not just a matter of scale. Focusing on quality (of the location, street furniture, advertisers, etc.) over quantity proves to be a more effective and sustainable approach. Therefore, we work together with municipalities to select the most advantageous locations that generate maximum value for cities, residents and brands while maintaining the harmony of the urban landscape.

SUPPORT. A trusted partner.

We have supported small towns and major urban centres all around the world.
Through our understanding of their concerns and our knowledge of their residents’ needs, we have become much more than the expert in outdoor advertising. We are also a trusted partner. Attentive to the needs of cities and aware of the underlying trends, we are in constant dialogue with the countries in which we operate. That means we are able to share best practices all around the world.

Filtreo: a bus shelter to contribute to the reduction of urban pollution

JCDecaux aims to make sustainable improvements in urban living.
Its latest innovation, the Filtreo bus shelter with its green roof, is intended to contribute to the reduction of urban pollution.

City of Paris’ new self-cleaning public toilets - JCDecaux

Front view of the City of Paris’ new self-cleaning public toilets

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