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SHOPPING. Offer an enjoyable moment.

Naturally, advertising has its place in shopping centres and supermarkets, where brands, retailers, and consumers who are ready to buy can meet. JCDecaux uses its systems to help make the shopping experience more appealing: interactive guide screens, digital advertising screens, Wi-Fi hot spots, contextualised messages sent on smartphones (by Beacons), sales events, etc. Everything is designed to enrich the consumer experience, boosting brand visibility and generating additional sales.

JCDecaux - Slider - Mall - Norway

EXPERTISE. Know - and monetise - your audience.

A large, diverse population who is ready to buy. The public in shopping centres and supermarkets is highly prized by advertisers. JCDecaux monetises this audience and pays back a portion of the advertising revenue to the sites that house its street furniture. Our campaigns are made much more effective with digital, which reaches the public in context, and in real time. We also create our own studies of a site's audience, which we share with our partners.

With Tesco, we identified 400 of their biggest stores around the country, with the highest footfall and transactions. By assessing each store individually, we identified prime locations for each screen. Tesco shoppers have compared them to “my digital memo pad at the front door”

David McEvoy

Marketing Director JCDecaux UK

JCDecaux - UK - Mupi - Mall - Supermarket

AMBIENCE. An unrivalled experience.

Somewhere between architecture and design, the ambience at the site is crucial to providing that special moment that keeps visitors coming back. For our street furniture, we look for the world's top designers and take special care with upkeep. Interactive digital screens, giant format, sales events, product demonstrations, and breath-taking technology – our systems and innovative events help to put a shopping centre or a brand at the cutting edge of modern.

Now what can we do for you?