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  • Through our work to promote responsible outdoor advertising, we have made a real commitment to supporting the following Sustainable Development Goals:

    Our contribution to the SDG
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As a leader in outdoor advertising, JCDecaux is the privileged meeting point between citizen consumers, brands and economic players. Through our commitment to apply our Code of Conduct to all Group countries, we affirm our desire to work for responsible and positive outdoor advertising.


Executive Vice-President Communication and User Innovation

Promote responsible campaigns

With an audience of more than 850 million people every day worldwide, we believe outdoor advertising can be a force for good and we work to amplify responsible advertising.

Our objective

100%of our countries commit to implement and apply the principles of our Code of Conduct for Out-of-Home Display by 2024

Our results

100%of our countries have deployed our Code of Conduct for Out-of-Home Display as of 2022
95% of countries have set up a local ethics committee

Responsible campaigns at JCDecaux

In 2022, we implemented our Code of Conduct for Out-of-Home Display. This Code demonstrates our commitment to respectful and responsible communication and has been rolled out to all Group countries to ensure compliance with ethical rules wherever we operate.

2023 in numbers


jcdecaux.com_icons_for brands_v02 3,628 campaigns audited in France
95% of our subsidiaries have a local validation/control procedure for potentially sensitive displays


Our strategy in action

In order to raise customer awareness of the impact of advertising campaigns, in 2022 we developed: Footprint 360. In this pilot project in France, the calculator takes into account the economic, social and environmental footprint and offers customers a holistic view of the challenges associated with their advertising campaigns. This multidimensional footprint calculator is based on four indicators: CO2 emissions, water consumption, Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) supported and the value in euros generated in the French economy. The overall methodology has been certified by an Independent Third Party (EY). In 2024, the Group is launching the project to roll out the calculator internationally. 

Sustainable Development - CSR - RSE - 360 footprint - JCDecaux

Safeguard our digital activities to the highest possible degree

We distribute digital Out-of-Home campaigns in 68 countries through almost 145.000 advertising panels. Any external or internal attempt to access digital screens on the Group’s street furniture to show unauthorised messages would represent a major risk.

Our objectives

Zero security incidentthat disrupt our service or result in the undetected broadcast of unauthorised content on digital screens where this broadcast is controlled by and under the responsibility of JCDecaux

Protect our digital activities

In order to address the risks of cyber-attacks, we have formalised a policy structured around three pillars:

           Secure our data and IT applications

Mobilise and train our teams

Monitor and detect unusual situations

  1. State-of-the-art technologies
  2. Consideration of security requirements from the design phase of software platforms (Security by Design) 


  1. Centralised governance within all Group countries
  2. IT security policies updated annually
  3. Frequent training and awareness-raising for all employees (via the Group's e-learning platform)


  1. 24/7 supervision of operations
  2. Regular penetration tests
  3. Regular checks carried out by our internal audit team

Advocate for public interest communication that serves the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda

In September 2015, the 193 member states of the United Nations adopted the 2030 Programme for Sustainable Development, called Agenda 2030. With its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets, it sets a roadmap for all countries and calls for the mobilisation of all stakeholders, including companies.

With a global audience of more than 850 million people worldwide, we believe  that Out-of-Home advertising and JCDecaux can be catalyst for raising awareness of this global approach, promoting their key messages wherever we operate.

Our objectives

Major CausesSupport a major cause related to the Group’s activities every year
100%of the Group’s countries, representing 80% of the adjusted annual revenue, contribute to support one or more United Nations SDGs by 2025

Our support for major causes

Aware of the power of our media to shape opinions, we support numerous major causes including: road safety, protecting the environment and combating disease.

The Group’s commitment is reflected in the free-of-charge displays of advertising panels, financial support and the creation of campaigns in partnership with local players (associations, governments, etc.) to raise awareness among local people and promote solutions to social, societal and environmental issues.

3,367 campaigns were supported in 2023
48 of the Group’s countries implemented specific support actions for major causes in 2023
Sustainable Development - CSR - RSE - great causes WWF- bring nature back - JCDecaux

Campaign for WWF,  United Kingdom

Official partner of the United Nations for the promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals

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Official logo of the "Joint SDG Fund"

In 2023, we were proud to become an official partner of the “United Nations Joint SDG Fund” (Sustainable Development Goals). This global strategic partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) aims to support the “United Nations Joint SDG Fund”, a fund designed to accelerate the development of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) worldwide.

Our strategy in action

Since 2014, we have enabled Justdiggit to communicate widely about its activities by providing free advertising space on our digital furniture.

In Europe, Justdiggit campaigns aim to raise awareness among millions of people, and in Africa, they aim to encourage small-scale farmers and urban communities to protect and restore ecosystems. To do this, they promote low-cost, scalable techniques that benefit farmers economically by improving crop yields.

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Communications campaign for Justdiggit

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