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"Metro/Train Stories", based on the survey of 5,260 metro and train users across 14 countries, delves into the world of Metro/Train advertising and highlights how OOH and DOOH enrich the daily commute by inspiring highly engaged audiences who are receptive to advertising and open to influence.

Connecting Urban Lives: The Cornerstone of City Living

As the cornerstone of urban living, Metro/Train systems connect millions of people from the suburbs to the heart of the city every day. The respondents to the survey overwhelmingly recognize the significance of Metro/Rail as essential means of transport, efficiently reaching all the vital areas of the city in a fast and convenient manner.

A Mass Medium to Reach Desirable Urban Audiences

Metro/Rail serves as a meeting point for desirable active audiences, with the possibility for brands to reach them multiple times a week due to their regular usage: 70% of the respondents indicate travelling at the same or at an increased frequency, whatever the purpose. Commuters also spend considerable time during their journeys, presenting a favourable moment for brands to captivate their attention and influence their choices. With an average of 2 hours and 30 minutes of exposure each week, Metro/Rail advertising (OOH and DOOH) emerges as an ideal platform for brands to engage in a weekly dialogue with their target audience and leave a lasting impact on them like in no other media.

Sao Paulo metro

Memorable Journeys: Crafting Lasting Impressions with Metro/Train Advertising

Metro/Train advertising presents a truly unique environment for brands to deploy powerful brand experiences that resonate with their target audience. With a staggering 90% of travellers noticing advertisements within these environments, the captive audience's heightened level of attention is unparalleled. The alert state of mind during their commute ensures that the OOH and DOOH advertising messages have a greater chance of making a lasting impact. Moreover, the opportunity for active engagement with brands during the journey, as commuters plan for the week ahead, further enhances the effectiveness of these brand experiences. This distinctive combination of a receptive audience, extended exposure, and an engaged mindset makes Metro/Train advertising an ideal canvas for brands to create impactful and memorable campaigns, leaving a lasting impression on commuters long after their journey has ended.

Advertising that Delivers: Empowering Brands through Data-Driven Strategies

Metro/Train advertising significantly contributes to the purchase funnel, making it a powerful tool for brand influence. With JCDecaux Data Solutions, brands are offered robust data capabilities to support the planning of highly effective OOH and DOOH campaigns. Leveraging data-driven insights, advertisers can optimize media planning, content delivery, and creativity to maximize their impact on the target audience. JCDecaux also provides best-in-class solutions to measure the effectiveness of a brand's campaign, enabling advertisers to evaluate performance against their desired key performance indicators (KPIs). Through data-driven strategies and comprehensive measurement tools, JCDecaux empowers brands to achieve impactful and successful advertising campaigns.

Pivotal to a Greener City: Metro/Rail are the Responsible Choice

Metro/Train systems are globally recognized as environmentally friendly forms of transport, making them the optimal environment for responsible messaging. The survey reveals that 74% of travellers agree that brands committed to sustainability should invest more in Metro/Train advertising to reach audiences like them. By choosing to advertise within these systems, brands make a responsible choice that aligns with their commitment to environmental sustainability and public transport development.

WWF campaign at Waterloo Station

Published in For brands