50 years : what's next ?
After 50 years of passion and innovation, JCDecaux is present in 4435 cities and 75 countries. What does the future look like ?
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After 50 years of passion and innovation, JCDecaux is present in 4435 cities and 75 countries. What does the future look like ?
… Innovate UK for McCain won a Silver Award during the Cannes Lions festival. The following year, JCDecaux Innovate …
In the past 50 years, more than 50 renowned architects have contributed to urban beautification through their collaboration with JCDecaux.
… continents. The Group offers its employees a long-term career path, where internal, geographic and functional …
35 years after its creation, in 1999, JCDecaux acquires Avenir, a subsidiary of Havas Media. This acquisition leads the Group to incorporate a new activity: transport advertising, a high-potential sector given city dwellers’ increasingly mobile…
The company founded by Jean-Claude Decaux in 1964 has been part of the urban landscape around the world since its creation and JCDecaux's history is inextricably linked with a number of major historic events.
In 1964, JCDecaux revolutionizes outdoor advertising.
In 2011, JCDecaux becomes the number one out-of-home advertising company worldwide.
Story of the international expansion of a French innovator.
… While JCDecaux was created in 1964, there is one type of … specialised in promoting cultural activities. In 1986, JCDecaux acquired la Société Fermière and decided to …
Invented by Jean-Claude Decaux in 1964, the advertising bus sheter has continued to evolve, remaining JCDecaux's street furniture trademark.
Jean-Claude Decaux revolutionized outdoor advertising by inventing in 1964 a new business model.
In 1964, Jean-Claude Decaux layed the foundation stone for a family structure that has continued to grow.