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Focus on

New paths for the roads of tomorrow

Transportation news feeds are filled with tech innovations and new start-ups willing to improve our daily mobility…

Swimming is back in town (it’s still summer!)

Among other natural elements, water surely is one of the most appreciated in cities – or even a symbol, as the famous …

How cities deal with the climate change risks

According to the non-profit organization “100 Resilient Cities”, urban resilience is the ability of individuals,…

Urban Radar

A German start-up challenges Deutsche Bahn

Do you find commuting by train is more and more expensive ? Derek Ladewig, a German rail expert, agrees with you. And…

Outdoor is in

Turning Madrid into a giant Star Wars exhibition

The release of the new Star Wars movie (The Force Awakens) was the occasion for a massive multimedia campaign all over…

Urban Radar

Uberising transport in Rome

The Italian capital has long been criticized for the poor quality and reliability of its public transports.To solve…

Outdoor is in

“Fare Free Monday” in London Transit for Apple Pay Users

In 2014, Transport for London gave users the possibility to pay their ticket via contactless cards or devices…

Outdoor is in

Watch your favorite TV show while waiting for the bus

Waiting at a bus stop can be long and boring when you have nothing to do. Canal Play decided to fight this boredom with…


Fighting air pollution with innovation

France currently chairs and hosts the COP21. More than 190 countries are negotiating a new international agreement on…

Outdoor is in

Taxis turn green for COP21

From the 4th to 10th of December, three green cabs covered with turf will travel through Paris and offer free rides to…

Facts & Figures

Comparing the wealth standards in different cities with a burger

Which cities have the world's richest workers ? That's a difficult question to answer when you know how different the…

Urban Radar

Unlocking the city for the blind

In the UK, 180,000 blind or partially sighted people rarely leave home alone, anxious about the idea of getting around…

Facts & Figures

10 reasons why cities hold the key to climate change

To mark cities day at the UN Climate Conference in Paris, The Guardian listed 10 datas explaining why the cities should…

Outdoor is in

Muji plans to sell pop-up affordable homes

The Japanese retail chain, better known for its household supplies, wants to go further by selling affordable pop-up…

Facts & Figures

Car ownership VS Carsharing

Did you know that, in some American cities, a bedroom is less large than the parking space required ?An infography from…