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New paths for the roads of tomorrow

Transportation news feeds are filled with tech innovations and new start-ups willing to improve our daily mobility…

Swimming is back in town (it’s still summer!)

Among other natural elements, water surely is one of the most appreciated in cities – or even a symbol, as the famous …

How cities deal with the climate change risks

According to the non-profit organization “100 Resilient Cities”, urban resilience is the ability of individuals,…

Outdoor is in

Supernatural vision in a St Honoré window shop

What’s new in luxurious and trendy rue St Honoré, Paris ?Passers-by could witness a strange phenomenon through the…

Urban Radar

Place your 2.0 bets… on the interactive table

IBU Interactive Table is a new interactive touchscreen that combines the best of technology and a giant interface. It…

Urban Radar

Never get lost... inside a building

Until now, indoor geolocation wasn’t something common, especially in France. Only some Android device owners could…

Urban Radar

i Pavement : walking on innovation

Who said the future of geolocation will only be stored with Cloud Computing and Big Data warehouses?This seems to be…

Urban Radar

Public areas & design : beware, the Bushwaffles are coming

Urban furniture is not only linked to transportation or information. It can also be purely linked to entertainment…


Fab-labs: How to Make (almost) Everything

Fabrication Laboratories, mostly known as « Fab labs » are an interesting concept, more and more relevant in the whole…

Facts & Figures

Marketing Mobile & Internet in 2015

In 2015, Mobile advertising is said to represent more than USD 5 billion.This data is only one of many, such as Cisco’s…

Facts & Figures

Smart TV in France is flying off

In the first semester of 2012, smart connected TV, including catch-up and VOD has grown and over 10,7% of homes already…

Facts & Figures

Smartphones can still improve citizens’ lives

According to Ericsson labs, a great part of people living in urban areas are satisfied to live in cities.What makes the…


Smart city : People & companies gathered for the future of urbanism

The “Smart city” is a genuine concept aiming to gather institutions, companies and citizens on daily city-life topics…

Outdoor is in

The beard makes the man

In order to create more traffic on their website, “Bronx Shoes” company decided to implement an original outdoor…

Outdoor is in

An ambient campaign that celebrates bad drivers

Parking in cities is always tricky especially in Paris, France, where drivers are famous for their being extremely bad…