  • En-Fr

Focus on

New paths for the roads of tomorrow

Transportation news feeds are filled with tech innovations and new start-ups willing to improve our daily mobility…

Swimming is back in town (it’s still summer!)

Among other natural elements, water surely is one of the most appreciated in cities – or even a symbol, as the famous …

How cities deal with the climate change risks

According to the non-profit organization “100 Resilient Cities”, urban resilience is the ability of individuals,…

Facts & Figures

Travelers appear to be confident mobile consumers

A survey carried out by comScore for Expedia Media Solutions shows the growing use of mobile phones by travelers for…

Urban Radar

The end of phone battery failure

The charge cycle project proposes both a funny and healthy way to charge your smartphone in the street.This project…

Urban Radar

Airbnb strengthens its hyperlocal expertise

Airbnb, the American social website connecting travelers and hosts around the world, has just launched a new service…

Urban Radar

A new way to control your smartphone

A new technology called GestIC and developed by American company Microchip will allow users to control their smartphone…

Urban Radar

Controlling the streetlights with an iPad

London’s Westminster district plans to renew its lighting system in the next four years by replacing 14,000…

Outdoor is in

An UFO flying over London

To celebrate the release of the new Halo 4 video game on its Xbox 360 console, Microsoft organized a special operation…

Outdoor is in

BMW opens a “Window into the near future”

To launch the BMW “i Born Electric Tour”, the German brand set up, on New York’s Sixth Avenue, a giant screen allowing…

Outdoor is in

A building façade turned into a playing field

To promote the “I love techno” Festival organized in Ghent, Belgium, one of the building façades of the city was used…

Outdoor is in

Re-imagining the “Before and After” effect

In order to demonstrate the hydrating effects of its new skin care line, cosmetic products company Burt’s Bees imagined…


Store windows, laboratories for the future of retail

As a physical interface between customers and sellers, store windows can be more than just a space to display items…

Outdoor is in

An interactive billboard made of plastic tubes

In order to illustrate its promise to revive clothes’ colors, laundry detergent brand Woolite set up an interactive low…

Urban Radar

32 bikes in a single car parking place

To solve the problems caused by the lack of parking spaces for bicycles in very dense cities, Korean industrial…