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Focus on

New paths for the roads of tomorrow

Transportation news feeds are filled with tech innovations and new start-ups willing to improve our daily mobility…

Swimming is back in town (it’s still summer!)

Among other natural elements, water surely is one of the most appreciated in cities – or even a symbol, as the famous …

How cities deal with the climate change risks

According to the non-profit organization “100 Resilient Cities”, urban resilience is the ability of individuals,…

Urban Radar

Watch how cities grow through time with Google Timelapse

The past decades have been a period of rapid urbanisation throughout the world. Thanks to the Google Timelapse feature,…

Urban Radar

Wi-Fi is now available in all 279 New York subway stations

 You can now keep in touch with your friends while on New York City's subway.  Wi-Fi has been successfully installed in…

Urban Radar

Meet the most colourful town in the world

In Guatapé, a little town in the Antioquia Department of Colombia, colours are kind of a religion. All buildings are…

Urban Radar

Airbnb is turning into a travel agency with Experiences

Airbnb introduced its "next chapter" during the Airbnb Open, a "festival of hosting" that took place in Los Angeles on…

Urban Radar

A sea of books in Toronto’s streets

The Spanish collective Luzinterruptus transformed a street of Toronto into a river of books during the “Nuit Blanche”…

Urban Radar

What happens when passengers can take their bike on a train for free ?

You might be surprised, but the result of this policy is far from chaos and passenger loss. The Greater Copenhagen and…

Urban Radar

Tiny houses are about to pop up on Berlin rooftops

As it becomes more and more difficult to find an affordable place to live in big cities, two German architects have…

Urban Radar

A website tells you where you can afford to live in the world

The Earth Awaits is a search engine that tells you where you could afford to live, depending on your savings. The site…

Urban Radar

A touch of blue in architecture

Buildings can look even more beautiful on a sunny day. The German photographer Maik Lipp plays with the blue sky in his…

Urban Radar

The new lives of Detroit's abandoned houses

Urban farming and community gardens are now flourishing in the bankrupt city of Detroit: some 1,400 green spaces of…

Urban Radar

In LA, people prefer Uber to car ownership

Mobility habits are changing - even in the Los Angeles area, where the car culture is almost a religion. The endless…

Urban Radar

When urban slide turns public space into a playground

We already observed on this blog that playgrounds aren't just for kids anymore. What if playgrounds weren't closed…