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New paths for the roads of tomorrow

Transportation news feeds are filled with tech innovations and new start-ups willing to improve our daily mobility…

Swimming is back in town (it’s still summer!)

Among other natural elements, water surely is one of the most appreciated in cities – or even a symbol, as the famous …

How cities deal with the climate change risks

According to the non-profit organization “100 Resilient Cities”, urban resilience is the ability of individuals,…

Urban Radar

After cars, buses are about to get autonomous too

Not a day goes by without hearing of a new revelation or impressive step towards the achievement of the autonomous car…

Urban Radar

Discover modular mini farms, the future of urban farming

You’ve probably heard a lot about urban farming lately, from aquaponic installations to ambitious urban farming…

Urban Radar

Meet the first promotion of FAIRE, the new Parisian urban incubator

After the creation of dedicated accelerators for tourism, logistics and mobility start-ups, Paris pursues its ambitious…

Urban Radar

World’s first ultra-low emissions zone planned in London

Mayor Sadiq Khan, who wants a greener future for London, set out a new plan to clean up toxic air within the city. He…

Urban Radar

ByCycling, the app that lets your company pay you to bike to work

Other facts can influence people to change their mobility habits: having showers and bike parking at work will attract…

Urban Radar

What if Europe invested in an artificial island to produce electricity?

Global warming being an urging issue, more and more countries aim to only use renewable energies. When China and India…

Urban Radar

The art of bus stops in the former Soviet Union

We often associate Soviet Union architecture with massive buildings made of grey concrete. Surprisingly, other forms of…

Urban Radar

Transforming the heart of Paris

With the Notre Dame cathedral, the Ile de la Cité is a must-see destination mentioned in every Paris tour guide. If the…

Urban Radar

Discover the first 3D printed bridge in the world

Every day, 3D printing shows its seemingly boundless potential. From artificial hearts and jewellery to actual houses,…

Urban Radar

The world’s longest elevated cycling path just opened in China

Are Chinese cities converting to a more bike-oriented design? The city of Xiamen gives an impressive demonstration of…

Urban Radar

With Movement, Uber offers access to its traffic data

Thanks to its app, Uber has collected a great amount of data about how people move around cities. Precious material for…

Urban Radar

Paris mayor unveils plan to restrict traffic and extend car-free streets

Nothing seems to stop Anne Hidalgo in her resolution to reduce car traffic in Paris. After banning cars from a large…