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New paths for the roads of tomorrow

Transportation news feeds are filled with tech innovations and new start-ups willing to improve our daily mobility…

Swimming is back in town (it’s still summer!)

Among other natural elements, water surely is one of the most appreciated in cities – or even a symbol, as the famous …

How cities deal with the climate change risks

According to the non-profit organization “100 Resilient Cities”, urban resilience is the ability of individuals,…

Facts & Figures

Harder, Better, Faster: what are the world’s largest subway systems?

If London has the oldest underground system, and New York the greatest number of stations – 425 actually, and more are…

Facts & Figures

Keep calm and honk - here are the most congested cities in the world

Tired of being stuck in traffic jams every morning? The situation is much worse in other parts of the world. The car…

Facts & Figures

About the impossibility to own your home in US cities

Will it be impossible to become a homeowner in the city where you live? The trend in the US already shows the steady…

Facts & Figures

Your behaviour as a pedestrian highly depends on the country you live in

How do you cross the street? More than your age or your gender, your nationality can also affect your behaviour when…

Facts & Figures

Americans and cars: end of the romance or revival?

Since a decade now, something quite extraordinary is happening in the United States: car ownership keeps declining…

Facts & Figures

Bike lanes actually eased car congestion in New York City

Drivers' first reaction to the adding of bike paths on the road is often to argue that they are going to slow down…

Facts & Figures

Costa Rica ran on renewable energy for more than 250 days in 2016

Compared to some countries still struggling to launch sustainable energy policies, Costa Rica is a pioneer in terms of…

Facts & Figures

The division between the two Europes – mapped

Eurostat recently published a map analysing the economic development within the EU, at a regional level. Based on the…

Facts & Figures

What is the deadliest city for pedestrians in the US ?

The State of Florida stands to be a pretty dangerous place for those who dare to use their feet to move around the city…

Facts & Figures

The days of easy growth are over for cities

Experts often talk about rapid urbanisation and the growth of urban population. If it is a global trend, not every city…

Facts & Figures

Planting trees could save your life

By 2050, the vast majority of humanity will live in cities. Our urban world will have to face many challenges, and…

Facts & Figures

Bordeaux is the best city to visit, according to Lonely Planet

The annual "Lonely Planet Best in Travel 2017" rankings have just been released, with a surprising winner in the "City"…